Who is Tomislav Glogovac

A Passion for Search Engine Optimization

Hello and welcome to my official website. I’m Tomislav Glogovac, a dedicated professional in the world of digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO).

Over the years, I’ve dedicated myself to mastering the art and science of driving organic traffic and optimizing web presence.

My Philosophy

In the ever-evolving realm of search engine optimisation, I’ve always believed that staying static is not an option. Continuous learning is the cornerstone of my professional ethos. The digital landscape is dynamic, with new trends, technologies, and tactics emerging every day. To stay ahead, one must be willing to adapt, evolve, and most importantly, learn.



For me, curiosity is the starting point of all innovation. I constantly ask questions, challenge the status quo, and seek out new knowledge. This innate curiosity drives me to explore the latest in SEO, ensuring that I’m always at the forefront of industry advancements.


Holistic Approach

Digital marketing is not just about one aspect or strategy. It’s a symphony of elements working in harmony. Whether it’s on-page optimization, technical SEO, or innovative strategies, I believe in looking at the bigger picture. Every decision, no matter how minute, plays a role in the overarching goal.


Client-Centric Mindset 

At the heart of all my endeavors is the client. Understanding their unique needs, challenges, and aspirations allows me to craft strategies that resonate. For me, success is not just about achieving KPIs; it’s about creating value for my clients and forging lasting partnerships.


Innovation & Adaptability 

The digital world is in a state of perpetual change. What works today might be obsolete tomorrow. Hence, I prioritize innovation and adaptability. By staying agile and open to new ideas, I ensure that my strategies are not only effective but also future-proof.


Integrity & Authenticity

In an industry driven by data and numbers, I never lose sight of the human element. Integrity and authenticity are the pillars of my professional conduct. I believe in transparent communication, ethical practices, and genuine interactions. It’s not just about achieving results; it’s about doing it the right way.

In essence, my philosophy is a blend of continuous learning, client-centricity, and ethical conduct. It’s about striking the right balance between technical expertise and human touch, between innovation and authenticity.

My Journey

My journey in the digital world is a tapestry of experiences, challenges, and milestones. Born and raised in Serbia, my passion for the digital realm was ignited at the University of Belgrade. It was here that I laid the foundation for what would become a fulfilling career in digital marketing.


Entrepreneurial Spirit

Establishing my own consulting firm was not just about leadership; it was a manifestation of my entrepreneurial spirit. It gave me the platform to directly engage with businesses, understand their unique challenges, and craft bespoke solutions. This venture was my first foray into the world of client relationships, and it set the tone for my client-centric approach.


Driving Results

Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of working with numerous clients, ranging from startups to established enterprises. My proudest achievements are not just the strategies I’ve crafted but the tangible results they’ve yielded. I’ve driven millions of organic visitors to my clients’ websites, transforming their digital presence and significantly boosting their ROI. Each client, each project, has been a learning experience, teaching me the nuances of different industries and markets.


Diverse Roles, Unified Goal

Whether it was leading dynamic teams as the PPC Team Lead at Quantikal or strategizing as the VP of Marketing at Mold Busters, each role has enriched my professional repertoire. But the underlying thread connecting all these roles has been a singular goal: delivering unparalleled value to clients. From SEO to PPC, my focus has always been on crafting strategies that resonate with the client’s vision and drive measurable results.


Current Endeavors

At Sleek, as the Search Engine Optimization Manager, I’m channeling all my experiences, learnings, and insights to drive organic traffic and optimize web presence. It’s a role that challenges me every day, pushing me to innovate and adapt in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

In essence, my journey has been about growth, impact, and continuous learning. It’s been about understanding the pulse of the digital world and leveraging it to create lasting value for my clients.

Let's connect

If you're keen on elevating your digital footprint or seeking insights on SEO, I'm here to help. Let's connect and chart a path to digital success together.

Think big, start small, scale fast.

Tomislav Glogovac

Client Testimonials

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“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
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“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
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